Asheville, North Carolina Trail - Image of river and stone wall in early spring

The Shadows of Summer

The summer comes slowly, giving us a time to meld into the sweet scents and brighter mornings. We notice the warm light of the sunrise coming though the window at a new angle, dancing across neglected surfaces; surfaces neglected of the warmth. We feel lighter, buoyant, and filled with excitement for whats to come. We throw open the windows, thrilled by the new breeze traveling through our homes. The breeze clears away what we ruminated on, the dire moments that hinged between the past and future

Within this bright, joyous time of summer, we may also feel the contrast of what we processed through during the winter months. Some may feel this contrast, witnessing the inner world shedding the darkness as the flower buds come and go giving way for new leaves and seeds. I myself feel this shedding, sometimes getting caught in the process; Seeming to be wrapped in the webs, clouded, and living within the change that is meant to be simple. When the light shines bright and the warm waters wash over, you see where the light doesn't shine through and where the water chills the tender parts of our bodies. 

I may not have a well packaged antidote to write, finding myself searching for what you may be looking for as well. What I do know is that there are seasons within and without and it seems as though these don't always coordinate. Possibly there is a path towards attuning ourselves to the natural seasons of our outer world. Maybe this shadow that lurks is a side effect of domestication of our wild hearts.


In these times of shedding and internal pulling, I find clearing yourself and space is essential. The idea is to disrupt the stagnant energy. The home is an extension of our inner worlds.


  • Clear your space with your preferred herb, or wood (Palo Santo, sage, rosemary, bay leaves..etc)
  • Dust Everything; door ways, surfaces, under bed, corners of space 
  • Clean windows, inside and out - Be sure to dust off window screens
  • Open windows and doors for release
  • Use music, sounds, and movement to open up space




     Much Love,



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