The Incense Skull: How to Incorporate Smoke into Your Rituals - Carbon and Earth

The Incense Skull: How to Incorporate Smoke into Your Rituals


Smoke and fire are believed to help bring energy to a focal point, drawing in our attention and senses. We are visual creatures, wanting to create meaning for most moments, inside and outside our homes. We are drawn to fire and smoke, mesmerized, and experience this with all of our senses. We burn incense, herb bundles, bark, and paper, to release and intentionally move the energy around us. Silence can be found here, allowing for a pause to listen.

How to incorporate this energy:

Take a moment to ground yourself. This is the time for deeper stomach breathing and simple somatic releases. Open a window or door to create the circulation of fresh air to carry out the old. When we feel stagnant or blocked this can clear away the patterns of thought. Experience the smoke, the way it moves, sways, and adjusts to the currents near. Smell the scent and notice the current feeling within. Sit with this feeling, however we label it and thank it for the message it brings forth.

Currently, we are offering vetiver and palo santo cones, handmade in Texas. These cones are intentionally smaller in size, ensuring the scent comes through without an abundance of smoke. We also have herb bundles with native North Carolina plants. These large bundles are made with lavender, roses, juniper, and rosemary

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