Libra - Full Moon of Depths and Balance - Carbon and Earth

Libra - Full Moon of Depths and Balance

In my experience I find the full moon swells up the unconscious within. We see animals of all kinds (including us humans) act in different ways than expected. This full moon in Libra had me expecting harmony, gushy love, and joy. I've felt quite the opposite these last few days. With further digging into Libra and where Chiron is sitting in the sky, it all makes sense. It's a time to witness and feel deep into the wounds that have influenced the chaos and lessons we all just keep having to learning. My go to astrologer Chani Nicholas and spiritualist Lee Harris mention the pouring of warmth onto these wounds, finally clearing out the scar tissue for a brighter, clearer experience. Diving into the depth and clearing your way through to the dappled brightness is apart of this life experience. Shadow work demands resilience and slow patience as we travel through the thorny underbelly of our hearts. We must find the simple moment to pause and breathe in these times to resurface. We must believe there are brighter moments ahead to be experienced
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Thank you so much for sharing this!

Will O

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